Read the World: The story of 2 men and the meaning of life.

Join Noel Parrot and Damian Velustake in their completely by accident journey to find the meaning of life.

Damian Velustake

Damian Velustake, a 20 year old rich boy, is the main character. He suffers from a tumor (cancer) and is given 1 month to live. During his final days he is set on doing what he's never done before- have an adventure.
Dame is content where he is, and he doesn't have second thoughts on what he does. He might act tough against the odds, but he's really a big softie.

Girlfriend: Chelsea

Noel Parrot

Damian's best friend, and a man of many faces, Noel is the guy to keep things in order. He rarely has fun himself, and doesn't seem to find. Noel suffers from anger issues, as well as thinking his way is the right way.
Although he knows nothing about his friend's problem, Noel is fine on carrying out an adventure.

Girlfriend: It is not clear if he's dating, or if he's married
Age: 24

Chelsea Heart

As Damian's girlfriend since his junior year, Chelsea was the closest Dame ever got to love. They were engaged, 6 months until their wedding, when she found out that Dame wouldn't be living much longer.

Age: Unknown

Harold (Harry) Cannon

An unknown newspaper writer who writes about whatever he can find, Harold is stoked once he learns of Damian and Noel. He begins to follow them both around, jotting down notes, and soon is technically the story's narrator.
With his information that he aqquired, Harold hopes to get his paper one of the top rated in the county, even though his writing doesn't make any sense.

Age: In his late 40s, early 50s.

Character retired from series.

Aaron Taylor

An Australian explorer who stumbled into the world of RTW quite accidentaly. Aaron is an interesting character, he seems to know mostly everything, and other than that, seems to be good at everything. Aaron appears in the 2nd chapter of Read the World.

Occupation: Australian explorer
Age: 24
Love interest: Unclear

Chad Myer

The lead guitarist in Misfit of Killing. Supposedly Chad is dead, but people aren't risen from the dead, as he apparently did.  Seems to be that he was killed by "green eyes", which is what he mutters to himself once in a while.

Occupation: Lead Guitarist/Backup vocalist
Age: 17 (Though if he continued living, he'd be 18)
Love Interest: Alice Madison

Greg Barnes, Alice Madison, and Ever Locke

Greg Barnes:

The lead singer of Misfit of Killing. Greg was a soccer player once before quitting and starting up the band with his childhood friend Chad Myer.

Age: 25

Alice Madison:

The keyboardist/bass player/back-up singer of Misfit of Killing. Alice is more of a laid back, humorous kinda chick who could care less about being the only girl in the group.

Age: 22

Ever (Ave-her) Locke:

The drummer/back-up singer of Misfit of Killing from Ireland, which explains all the green. Ever used to work at a bar back home, until meeting Greg, and claiming the drumming place.

Age: 27