Who are you?

I'm Emmeh P., the author/illustrator of Read the World.

The point of Read the World?

I've always wanted to write about the meaning of life, so I kind of formed it into a comic about 2 men figuring it out.


I try to finish 1 comic strip every day. Some days I'll make more, some days I'll make none. It all depends on how busy I am and what's going on.

Where can I send my questions/comments/fan art too?

If you wish to contact me, do so at [email protected] . I'll be happy to reply. But no spam or junk mail, those aren't even READ.

Can I take part in the comic?

If you can create a good enough OC, they might show up in the comic itself. However, I mean, it has to be GOOD. Not just any charrie can make the cut.
However, you can take part by spreading the word about Read the World, or sending in fan art, which I will gladly post on the site. :)

Thankies! :"3